Your Trusted Cardiologist In NYC

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How To Find A Cardiologist in New York City

A 2010 New York Times article stated that death rates from heart disease in the greater New York City area were approximately 20 percent higher than in most areas of America.

Heart disease, or cardiovascular disease, is a broad term used for various problems that all relate to the buildup of plaque inside the heart’s arteries. The more the plaque accumulates, the more the arteries narrow, slowing blood flow and increases the risk for heart attack, stroke or other heart conditions.

How To Find A Cardiologist in New York CityThere are also heart conditions related to an irregular heartbeat, heart valve problems, high blood pressure and congenital heart defects.

Heart disease is a serious problem in the U.S. as well as specifically in the New York area. Over 80 million people in the U.S. have some form of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of both men and women, killing more people than all cancers and AIDS combined. According to theHeart Foundation, over 920,000 people will develop heart disease this year, almost half of which will occur without previous warning signs or symptoms.

If you experience the following symptoms of a heart attack, call 911:

·         Pain or heaviness in the chest that sometimes radiates around

·         Choking feeling or fullness

·         Anxiety, extreme weakness

·         Rapid heartbeat

·         Vomiting, sweating and dizziness

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should contact a heart doctor New York City. Remember that heart conditions often have subtle symptoms or no symptoms at all.

There are several symptoms of heart disease:

·         Dizziness

·         Shortness of breath

·         Heart palpitations

·         Increased heartbeat

·         Sweating

·         Nausea

The symptoms of a heart attack may be very mild and can be confused with other conditions. If you have any questions or suspect that you may have a heart condition of any kind, call 911 or arrange for an immediate visit to a heart doctor New York City.

Note that people with diabetes are more likely to have a myocardial infarction (MI) or heart attack without any symptoms. Consult a heart doctor New York City for assistance.


What are Heart Failure Symptoms

What are Heart Failure Symptoms :

Everyone should be aware of heart failure symptoms. This is a preventive measure, so you can readily apply medication before it gets any worse.

To begin with, there are two types of heart failure symptoms: the chronic and the acute type of heart failure.

Symptoms of Chronic Heart Failure

  • What are Heart Failure SymptomsNausea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Sudden gain in weight
  • Decreased alertness
  • Hardship in concentrating
  • Fatigue coupled by weakness
  • Shortness of breath when you attempt to lie down
  • Swelling in the feet, ankles, legs and even the abdomen

Symptoms of Acute Heart Failure

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Severe shortness in breath
  • Unexpected build-up of fluid in the body
  • Chest pain especially if it is accompanied by heart attack
  • Severe symptoms in comparison to the one mentioned above
  • Appearance of pink and foamy mucus while coughing

Individuals who experience any of these symptoms should immediately consult their doctor about it. They should not disregard these abnormalities because it may be necessary for them to undergo medication. They should not attempt to conceal it from anyone because doing so will only lead to more complications. They should be honest enough to inform their physician about it, so necessary medical aids will be provided.

Everyone should take these heart failure symptoms seriously. Many who have disregarded these in the past suffered serious health problems and it even led to the death of some. It may be caused by other health conditions, so it is absolutely best if you undergo regular heart check-up with your cardiologist. They will assess your condition and undergo certain laboratory tests to evaluate your health.

Heart problems are very serious. No one should take this for granted. If you feel that one of your family members may be concealing any of these above-mentioned symptoms, then you should take the initiative and bring them to the cardiologist. Be vigilant, especially if you one of the family members has suffered from previous heart problem because they are more prone to this type of heart ailments.


What are Heart Failure Symptoms

Heart failure can take two forms. Chronic heart failure is an ongoing condition that starts progressively and continues over time. Acute heart failure occurs suddenly with symptoms appearing without warning. Seeking treatment immediately can make the difference in your chances of survival, so it is crucial to understand the symptoms of heart failure.

Overall Body Indicators

What are Heart Failure SymptomsOne of the most important things about identifying cardiac health problems is to listen to your body’s subtle queues. It is easy to overlook some of the more understated symptoms until it progresses to more noticeable, severe indicators.

When you find that you are struggling to do routine exercises, fighting persistent fatigue and muscle weakness, this may be your body’s reaction to a weakening cardiovascular system. These symptoms may also be accompanied by difficulties concentrating and a lack of focus. If you notice these symptoms, you may easily discard them as indicators of increased life demands, vowing to get more sleep.

Additionally, as your cardiovascular system is increasingly strained, your body retains fluid. One of the early signs of fluid retention is swelling in your lower extremities, such as your ankles and feet. You may also notice gradual weight gain despite a loss of appetite and frequent nausea. This weight gain is a result of your body retaining fluids.

Respiratory Struggles

If you experience shortness of breath, particularly when lying down or after physical activity, it may be cause for concern. If it is sometimes accompanied by wheezing, and a cough that persists despite your efforts to treat it, it may be an indicator of significant cardiovascular concerns.

Time to Call a Doctor

A racing heart rate, irregular heart beat and chest pain are all significant indications of heart failure. When chest pain and heart rate fluctuation is accompanied by dizziness, cold sweats and a lightheaded feeling, these are all serious symptoms that require immediate medical attention. If you haven’t already called your doctor about some of the early indications, you should call immediately when you discover these symptoms.


Is a Heart Murmur Serious

Are Heart Murmur Serious :
When it comes to heart murmurs, many people seem to have the impression that some types of heart murmurs are not serious and do not require medical attention. This may be a potentially crucial mistake.

About Heart Murmurs

Is a Heart Murmur SeriousHeart murmurs are an unusual sound heard during a normal examination using a stethoscope. Normally, when blood moves through the heart, the blood flows smoothly, creating the typical ba-bum sound of a heartbeat. However, if the blood does not move smoothly through the heart, an extra sound is generated, which is a heart murmur.

Abnormal Heart Murmurs

The reason why a heart murmur can be serious is that it may indicate heart valve disease or another heart or health condition. Heart valve disease usually occurs as part of another condition, infection or disease.

Heart valve abnormalities also may result in a murmur, such as a narrowed, leaking, bowing or stiffening of a valve. Another possibility is endocarditis, which means there is an infection of the heart’s lining, causing destruction to one or more of the heart valves.

Any of these conditions require treatment and supervision by a cardiologist, as there may be underlying conditions that could be serious or even fatal if not treated. If you suspect that you have a heart condition, you should contact a local cardiologist for an evaluation as soon as possible.

Harmless Heart Murmurs

Some heart murmurs are harmless, also called a functional heart murmur, and are often detected in children. However, only a doctor can determine if a child


Is Heart Failure Treatable

Is Heart Failure TreatableIf you’re reading this, the chances are you’ve got heart failure. The good news is, heart failure is usually treatable, or even curable.

Heart failure caused by anemia or thyrotoxicosis can be completely cured by treating these primary diseases. If you


Can Heart Failure Get Better

What is Heart Failure?

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is caused by reduced efficiency of the heart and kidneys. A young, healthy body intakes fluid through the mouth and expels it through urination via the kidneys. As your kidneys decrease in function, you expel less fluid, forcing the excess into your arteries and empty spaces throughout the body.

Can Heart Failure Get BetterThe excess fluid in your arteries decreases your heart’s efficiency making it less capable of exerting sufficient force on the fluid-heavy blood. When the heart pumps this fluid-heavy blood to the lungs, some of the excess fluid content passes through the membranes of your air sacs and becomes trapped. CHF is, essentially, a slow process of drowning.  If you ever feel any symtoms, we advice you see a heart doctor immedialtly.


Have you noticed that you are having more difficulty getting around? Do you need to take several breaks when you walk or climb the stairs? Are you experiencing sudden weight gain? The cause may not simply be your age. You should see a doctor about the possibility of heart failure. The following are the most common symptoms:

  • Edema, swelling around the ankles
  • Limited tolerance for activity, shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Abdominal swelling

CHF can occur with no symptoms at all, though it is unlikely to cause a serious medical threat until symptoms manifest. All of these are symptoms that can be associated with other medical issues, as well. If you notice them, it is important to see a doctor to accurately determine their cause.


While there is no cure for heart failure, a strict diet and evidence-based treatment can significantly prolong your life expectancy should you receive this diagnosis. Adhering to the prescribed measures can make heart failure a manageable disease.

Treatment starts by removing excess fluid from the body. This is done by ultrafiltration or diuretic therapy. Afterward, a sodium and fluid restricted diet, along with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE) or angiotensin II retention blocker (ARB) is prescribed which prevents the kidneys from reabsorbing sodium, preventing the retention of fluid. Other medications, such as beta blockers, which reduce strain on the heart, are also administered.  If you would like to make an appointment with New Yorks best heart doctor, please call (212) 367-8000 click the link below for us to contact you.


What happens if I do nothing with an Aortic Aneurysm

What is an Aortic Aneurysm?
An aortic aneurysm is a swelling of the primary artery in the abdomen that carries blood from the heart to the internal organs and legs. Many aortic aneurysms cause no symptoms and are found during a routine examination or screening for other conditions. An aortic aneurysm can usually be diagnosed manually by an experienced physician. A diagnosis can be confirmed and evaluated by an ultrasound or CT scan.

What happens if I do nothing with an Aortic AneurysmYour Physician Has Found an Aortic Aneurism, Now What?
If your doctor has found an aortic aneurysm during the course of a routine examination, he or she will probably refer you to a cardiologist who can suggest additional tests to determine the size and extent of your aortic aneurysm and plan a course of treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm, doing nothing puts you at risk of a life threatening aortic rupture. Rupture of an aortic aneurysm can cause severe pain, heavy bleeding in the abdomen and death. Current medical information tells us that most patients do not survive an aortic rupture. Thorough evaluation of the extent and size of your aneurysm by your cardiologist will help you make meaningful, informed choices about how to manage your aortic aneurysm.

The definitive treatment for an aortic aneurysm is surgical or endovascular repair. Your cardiologist will evaluate the risks of surgical intervention against careful monitoring to help determine the best course of treatment.

The course of treatment is generally determined by the size of the aneurysm, though the rate of growth may be a factor. For small aortic aneurysms, careful monitoring by your cardiologist is recommended. Surgical repair of an aortic aneurysm can prevent an emergency situation caused by a rupture. Once an aortic aneurysm ruptures, only one in ten people survive this serious complication. The goal of surgical intervention is to prevent rupture and life-threatening complications.

If you have been diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm, it is critical that you seek professional medical advice to help you avoid the life-threatening complications and death.


Does a Heart Aneurysm Require Surgery

Aneurysm of the heart is a condition that occurs when a patch of weak tissues of the ventricular wall swell and are filled with blood. When the walls of the left heart ventricle weaken, they fail to withstand the pressure created by the heart as it pumps blood. This heart disease is mainly associated with myocardial infarction, which is commonly referred to as heart attack.

Does a Heart Aneurysm Require SurgeryMyocardial infarction occurs from interruption of blood supply to parts of the heart, which results to death of cells causing a myocardial scar. Unlike other forms of aneurysm such as aorta aneurysm and cerebral aneurysm, the heart aneurysm may not be susceptible to rupturing of the wall of the heart and this is because the scar lining prevents it from rupturing.

Because the Aneurysm heart disease tends to develop progressively, signs are not easily noticed. Some other conditions may manifest such as blood clots (thrombosis), which result from the heart condition.  Clots cause stroke and block other blood vessels. The diagnosis of the aneurysm of the heart can be done through;

  • Electrocardiogram
  • Chest x-ray
  • Echocardiogram

 There are mainly three ways in which treatment of ventricular aneurysm heart disease is done and these are;

  • Administration of blood thinning agents to prevent blood clotting.
  • Administration of drugs to correct irregular rhythm of the heart.
  • Surgery procedures

Blood thinning agents and drugs to correct the irregular rhythm of the heart are the main treatment methods. Because of the sensitivity of the heart, surgery is occasionally done as the last option to remove the bulge and reconstruct the damaged tissue and it’s extremely difficult. There are great risks attached to the surgery procedure.

Most of the cardiac aneurysm occurs in men aged 40 and above who suffer large heart attacks. Also up to 25% of persons that develop a large area of dead heart muscle that occur from a heart attack are likely to develop this heart disease. Therefore, if you experience heart attacks, there is need to seek a doctor to examine your heart status. The early the diagnosis for the heart aneurysm is done the easier it is to treat with medication.


What is an Aortic Aneurysm

What is an Aortic Aneurysm?
Aortic Aneurism, also spelled as Aortic Aneurysm in some medical references, is the condition wherein the aorta of the body’s main artery develops a bulge. Since this section of the heart performs high level of activity, the aneurysm may be overstretched and result to it coming to a burst. Once this happens, it may result to serious bleeding and may lead to a quick death.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

What is an Aortic AneurysmThe sad thing about this kind of heart disease is that it happens with no hint or symptoms. It strikes at an untimely manner and when it happens, very few manage to survive. Those who managed to live after this difficult situation claim that they felt discomforts at their belly and chest and pain at the back. This may last for a long period of time or may suddenly cease.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

Aneurism is a heart disease, which forms in any section of the aorta; however, it is more commonly located at the belly area and is called abdominal aortic aneurysm; but if it develops at the upper body of the individuals, then it is called thoracic aortic aneurysm. Medical experts say that it is triggered by high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, which weakens the artery walls. There are many reasons why people suffer from aortic aneurism but it is mostly associated with aging.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

Male individuals age 65 to 75 and has never smoked and those with relatives who have suffered from similar conditions are recommended to have abdominal aneurysm screening tests. Part of the screening process will include an ultrasound, a CT scan, or an MRI to see if there is indeed an aortic aneurism developing inside your circulatory system.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

If you are positively diagnosed with aneurism, your doctor may recommend a blood vessel repair by means of grafting or stent operation. Those who have minimal size of aneurysms may be given beta-blockers to prevent these bulges from rupturing. You may also be reminded to exercise more, stop your smoking habits, and eat a heart-healthy diet that is free from cholesterol to prevent unwanted heart disease.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.  Dr. Seldon is a Board Certified Heart Doctor at NYU.


How to Pick a Cardiologist

How to Pick a Cardiologist :
Cardiologists are medical specialists who are experts in the cardiovascular system. They are doctors who have completed medical school and earned residency in internal medicine, before being granted fellowship as a cardiologist. They are expected to be familiar with the most recent technological advancements pertaining to the health of the heart and must be adept with the use of pacemakers and other gadgets related to health queries.

How to Pick a CardiologistIn making your selection, it is best to consider these qualifications:

  1. Experience

You can evaluate the degree of expertise of a specialist through his years of experience. If he recently graduated from medical school, then he may lack the experience in treating cardiovascular conditions.

  1. Education

It is important that you investigate the school where he earned his degree. It is not enough that he got his licenses and authorizations. He should also be a product of a reputable educational institution.

  1. Skills

Inquire the number of successful operations he has done, the number of patients he receives, the seminars he may have attended, the articles he has published, and other achievements. You may not ask him personally but you can do a bit of research about him.

  1. Location

You should identify where his clinic is located. This is important because you may need his urgent attention during emergency cases and if he lives very far from you then it will be inconvenient.

  1. Availability

You may want to consider a cardiologist who will be there whenever you need his assistance. This should be given priority, especially if you have been diagnosed with cardiovascular problems. You would appreciate if the specialist you will have will not be too busy with numerous clients.

  1. Rate

How much is his diagnostic fee? Although there is a board that regulates the fees of cardiologists, certain specialist are licensed to charge more because of their years of expertise.

Include these factors when picking the best cardiologist for your needs. List it down and make a good evaluative analysis about them.

Cardiologist NYC

Dr. Seldon is conveniently located right next to NYU hospital on 37th and 1st avenue in New York City and accepts all insurances.  He offers same day appointments and has been a practicing cardiologist for over 35 years.  Call (212) 367-8000

Dr. Seldon M.D. F.A.C.C. is a board certified cardiologist.

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