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Are There Doctors In NYC Who Perform The Treadmill Tests

Are There Doctors In NYC Who Perform The Treadmill Tests

Treadmill tests are a normal part of the diagnostic process for cardiovascular disease. Depending on where you are in NYC, there are several clinical locations where these tests can be performed. The important thing to look for is all-inclusive care from an experienced cardiologist, like Dr. Mark Seldon.

Are There Doctors In NYC Who Perform The Treadmill TestsWhat are treadmill tests for?

There are two different types of treadmill test that relate to cardiovascular function:

  1. Tests the heart rate and rhythm
  2. Tests the metabolic function that involves the heart, lungs, and circulatory system

The diagnostic purpose of the test will determine how these functions are monitored.

In either case, the goal is to get your heart rate up to anaerobic pace. This is done in stages using the treadmill. If you can sustain it, you will be at your highest heart rate for about 10 minutes during the entire test.

Electrodes will be attached to different areas of your torso so that your heart rate and rhythm can be monitored. These electrodes should not interfere with your ability to move during the test. If the cardiologist would like additional information on your heart, circulatory, and respiratory function; an additional breathing apparatus will be used during the test.

How will I communicate during the test?

The equipment used does not limit your ability to communicate with the staff running the test. Treadmill tests are designed so that you can verbally indicate what is going on while the tests are in progress.

In addition, the specialists administering the test are positioned right next the treadmill. There are a couple of important reasons for this:

  1. You


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