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Can Heart Failure Get Better

What is Heart Failure?

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is caused by reduced efficiency of the heart and kidneys. A young, healthy body intakes fluid through the mouth and expels it through urination via the kidneys. As your kidneys decrease in function, you expel less fluid, forcing the excess into your arteries and empty spaces throughout the body.

Can Heart Failure Get BetterThe excess fluid in your arteries decreases your heart’s efficiency making it less capable of exerting sufficient force on the fluid-heavy blood. When the heart pumps this fluid-heavy blood to the lungs, some of the excess fluid content passes through the membranes of your air sacs and becomes trapped. CHF is, essentially, a slow process of drowning.  If you ever feel any symtoms, we advice you see a heart doctor immedialtly.


Have you noticed that you are having more difficulty getting around? Do you need to take several breaks when you walk or climb the stairs? Are you experiencing sudden weight gain? The cause may not simply be your age. You should see a doctor about the possibility of heart failure. The following are the most common symptoms:

  • Edema, swelling around the ankles
  • Limited tolerance for activity, shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Abdominal swelling

CHF can occur with no symptoms at all, though it is unlikely to cause a serious medical threat until symptoms manifest. All of these are symptoms that can be associated with other medical issues, as well. If you notice them, it is important to see a doctor to accurately determine their cause.


While there is no cure for heart failure, a strict diet and evidence-based treatment can significantly prolong your life expectancy should you receive this diagnosis. Adhering to the prescribed measures can make heart failure a manageable disease.

Treatment starts by removing excess fluid from the body. This is done by ultrafiltration or diuretic therapy. Afterward, a sodium and fluid restricted diet, along with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE) or angiotensin II retention blocker (ARB) is prescribed which prevents the kidneys from reabsorbing sodium, preventing the retention of fluid. Other medications, such as beta blockers, which reduce strain on the heart, are also administered.  If you would like to make an appointment with New Yorks best heart doctor, please call (212) 367-8000 click the link below for us to contact you.



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