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Cardiac Clinic : Get The Best Treatment Available, Know The Facts!

When it comes to matters of the heart, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Perhaps you think heart attacks only happen to middle-aged or elderly men. Given the fact that heart disease kills more Americans every year than any other illness, this is one gamble you don’t want to take. Certain symptoms, hereditary factors, and demographic indicators make a call to a cardiac clinic imperative.

Know the Warning Signs

Cardiac Clinic : Get The Best Treatment Available, Know The Facts!Heart attacks are sudden, frightening events, but they typically happen after years of coronary artery disease. Some people may have this disease without experiencing any symptoms. Cholesterol and plaque build up in the arteries, leading to restricted blood flow. The heart must struggle to get enough oxygen and blood. Even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms, you could be at risk for coronary artery disease if you:

• have a family history of the disease
• are African-American, Hispanic, Native American or Asian
• are a man over the age of 45
• are a woman over the age of 55

Not Just a Man’s Disease

Some women might think they’re immune from heart disease, but the risk increases greatly for women over the age of 55. Women over 65 become even more vulnerable to cardiac death. Regardless of your gender, there are warning signs you should never ignore. You should seek out immediate medical attention if you experience:
• pain, pressure, or a burning sensation in the chest
• irregular heartbeats
• dizziness
• nausea
• shortness of breath

Seek Out a Management Plan

If you do have heart disease, a doctor can develop a plan to help you manage the disease with medication and lifestyle changes. If you feel you’re at risk for a heart attack or coronary artery disease, a cardiologist can run tests and provide peace of mind. You can get a handle on heart disease. It starts with a call to a cardiac clinic.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.



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