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Common Tests Done For Chest Pain and Anginas

Common Tests Done For Chest Pain and Anginas

If chest pain and anginas don’t necessarily mean that you’re having a heart attack, why is that the first thing they test for in the emergency room? Heart attack is always a possibility and, because it poses an immediate threat to your life, that threat is the first one heart specialists want to eliminate. Cardiologist-NYU

Luckily, they have a very fast and effective elimination process.

3 Tests that Rule out an Immediate Cardiac Threat

A blockage that causes a heart attack needs to be treated within 90 minutes in order to preserve the heart muscle. Doctors use three primary tests to diagnose or eliminate the possibility of a heart attack as quickly as possible.

The tests are:

EKG-this test examines the electrical function of the heart. A damaged heart cannot process electrical signals properly, so that tells doctors whether or not you’ve had or are having a heart attack.

Blood panel-a healthy heart contains enzymes within the muscle. During a heart attack, those enzymes can be released into the bloodstream over a period of several hours; another indicative sign of a heart attack.

Chest x-ray-these films offer an expedited visual assessment of the heart and lungs. Doctors are looking for any sign of an enlarged heart, blood flow problems, pulmonary embolism, or collapsed lung.

Assuming that you show no sign of heart attack, your chest pain and anginas will be further examined by a cardiologist during a follow-up appointment.

Follow-Up & Testing

Several standard follow-up tests are administered to develop a baseline understanding of your cardiac function and also locate any physical explanation for your chest pain and anginas, now that a heart attack has been ruled out.

These tests include:

EKG-to get a picture of the heart in motion and a closer look at different areas of the heart.

CT scan-to check the heart and lungs for blockages, plaque, and calcium accumulation.

MRI-gives a cross-section view of your heart to look for damage to the muscle or the aorta.

Stress tests-measure how your heart and blood vessels respond to physical exertion; may indicate a malfunction within the heart-lung connection.

Coronary catheterization-a special dye is used to trace the path of your blood vessels and identify any restriction.

 Comprehensive exams with immediate testing are routinely available.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.



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