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Does a Heart Aneurysm Require Surgery

A heart aneurysm is a complication that develops after a heavy heart attack that leaves part of the muscles of the lower chamber of the heart  dead. A scar is formed and a layer of muscles that survives is greatly weakened. Blood begins to infiltrate and inflate the weak muscle. Cardiac aneurysm may not show itself immediately but progressively manifests and may be noticed when other conditions like stroke start to emerge .

If this heart aneurysm is not treated, it can lead to dangerous blood clots (embolisms) that are dislodged in blood vessels in other parts of the body. This can lead to stroke or failure of the heart. This is why it advised that if you experience heart attack, you need to consult a cardiologist to examine the status of your heart to find out whether you could be developing the heart aneurysm condition.

Does a Heart Aneurysm Require SurgeryThis heart condition develops mainly in men who are 40 years and above and who suffer large heart attacks. Also about 10-30% of people who survive acute heart attacks tend to develop cardiac aneurysm. In the same way, up to 25% person of those patients who develop large patches of dead muscle scarring after an heart attack are also likely to get this condition. Signs of heart aneurysm include;

  • Pain in the jaw and neck.
  • Chest pain.
  • Difficulties catching breath.
  • Fainting.
  • Embolisms may lead to ischemia in the limb causing death of limb tissue.
  • Stroke can occur if the embolism blocks vessel supplying blood to the brain.

If a patient has had a heart attack and begins to experience one of more of these signs, there is need to seek immediate medical attention from a heart doctor in New York.

Treatment of heart aneurysm requires constant medical follow up and a patient needs to limit activity not to overwork the heart. Surgery is applied when persistent failure of the left ventricle is experienced or arrhythmia develops. Anticoagulants drugs are administered to prevent thrombosis (blood clotting). Antiarrhythmic drugs are also used. The survival rate of patients with ventricular aneurysm depends on the function of the ventricle muscle that is left.



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