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How Do I Know The Right Time To See A Cardiologist

How Do I Know The Right Time To See A Cardiologist

Cardiology answers complex questions about the heart as well as simple ones. One of the most frequent questions from a first-time heart patient is: when do I see a cardiologist? Advice on the subject is somewhat misleading.

The Timeline of Heart HealthHow Do I Know The Right Time To See A Cardiologist

Certain facts about heart health would have you believe you should see a cardiologist after the age of 40 or 45, depending on the circumstances. In actuality, that’s when the first signs of heart disease may start to present themselves.

It is always possible, especially in cases where heart disease is hereditary, for signs and symptoms to present much earlier. If heart disease runs in your family, you will most likely be monitored by the time you’re in your early 30s. However, tracking the signs and symptoms of cardiovascular problems does not necessarily involve going to see a cardiologist.

Your primary care physician can complete the initial stages of heart monitoring without having to involve a specialist. If your symptoms stay manageable with regular checkups and medications, you may not need to see a cardiologist at all.

There are only three instances in which you want to make an appointment to see a cardiologist:

  1. You are referred to a heart specialist by your primary care physician.
  2. You have signs and symptoms of heart disease that go beyond the point of medicinal manageability.
  3. You want the second opinion of a cardiologist independent of a referral.

By the way, suffering a heart attack qualifies as your symptoms going beyond the point of medicinal manageability. If a heart attack occurs, you will see a cardiologist on a regular basis indefinitely.

Why the Confusion?

It may seem like just about everyone around you is getting heart scans and stress tests, but these things aren’t usually recommended without the motivation of medical necessity.

You can always opt to get the tests regardless of whether you



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