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Is a Heart Aneurysm Serious?

What is a Heart aneurysm?
A heart aneurysm, also known as an aortic aneurysm, is a ballooning or bulge in the main artery of the body. This bulge is a weakened area in the aorta that can pose a serious risk of heart failure if ruptured.

Is a Heart Aneurysm Serious?Is a Heart aneurysm serious?
Some aneurysms can be small, with a low risk to rupture. If the weakened area is larger, causing a heart aneurysm to rupture, the patient risks suffering heart failure.

How is a Heart Aneurysm diagnosed and treated?
Aortic aneurysm is often difficult to diagnosis, as symptoms are not always apparent. To prevent heart failure from a rupturing aneurysm, doctors perform tests on the heart, including an MRI, CT Scan, or Ultrasound.

The size and exact location of the heart aneurysm are the two deciding factors for treatment. If there is a small aneurysm detected, doctors will monitor for growth and potential risks. If there is a large aneurysm that is likely to rupture, doctors may perform surgery to remove the bulge from the aorta and repair the area with a graft of artificial material to support the aortic wall. Depending upon the location of the aneurysm, surgery may be required to replace a valve in the aorta.

Is a Heart Aneurysm preventable?
While certain hereditary issues do factor into the overall health of the aortic artery and the health of your heart, doctors will suggest measures to prevent a heart aneurysm. Having a heart-healthy diet that decreases the risk for hypertension is always suggested. Cardiologists will also tell you that smokers have an increased risk for heart attacks, blood clots and heart aneurysms. While certain congenital abnormalities are not preventable, doctors will tell you to make the best of your lifestyle choices to reduce health risks later in life.

Could I already have a Heart Aneurysm?
If you feel that you are at risk for heart failure from an aortic aneurysm, it is best to consult a cardiologist. The doctor will discuss your medical history, hereditary factors and your specific lifestyle to best determine your risk of heart failure.



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