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What are the kinds of heart disease

What are the kinds of heart disease

The term “heart disease” is an umbrella term that covers dozens of different types of heart problems. Some of those types are congenital (an illness someone is born with) and others develop throughout a person’s life. Different forms of heart distress may affect specific sections of the heart, such as the valves, the muscle itself, the chambers, the arteries, the lining, the veins, and so forth.

What are the kinds of heart diseaseIn example,

  • Congestive heart failure affects the heart chambers and causes diastolic and systolic malfunctions.
  • The heart’s valves can be damaged by rheumatic fever and create a problem known as rheumatic heart disease.
  • What is commonly known as a heart attack is the result of damage to the veins and arteries.
  • Endocarditis and pericarditis are conditions that bring inflammation respectively to the inside and the outside linings of the heart.
  • Cardiomyopathy is an enlarged and weakened heart muscle resulting often from high blood pressure.

The symptoms of heart illness vary depending on each type. However, the most often associated symptom of heart trouble is chest pain. (Do note, however, that not all chest pain automatically translates into heart disease.)

If you experience chest pains that feel like tightness, pressure, fullness, or achy, sharp, and throbbing sensations in the area between your upper abdomen and your lower neck, you may want to visit your doctor. Regular check-ups by your physician are recommended even in the absence of pain because they work to your advantage always – be it to set your mind at ease or to improve your path to health.



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