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What is an Aortic Aneurysm

What is an Aortic Aneurysm?
Aortic Aneurism, also spelled as Aortic Aneurysm in some medical references, is the condition wherein the aorta of the body’s main artery develops a bulge. Since this section of the heart performs high level of activity, the aneurysm may be overstretched and result to it coming to a burst. Once this happens, it may result to serious bleeding and may lead to a quick death.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

What is an Aortic AneurysmThe sad thing about this kind of heart disease is that it happens with no hint or symptoms. It strikes at an untimely manner and when it happens, very few manage to survive. Those who managed to live after this difficult situation claim that they felt discomforts at their belly and chest and pain at the back. This may last for a long period of time or may suddenly cease.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

Aneurism is a heart disease, which forms in any section of the aorta; however, it is more commonly located at the belly area and is called abdominal aortic aneurysm; but if it develops at the upper body of the individuals, then it is called thoracic aortic aneurysm. Medical experts say that it is triggered by high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, which weakens the artery walls. There are many reasons why people suffer from aortic aneurism but it is mostly associated with aging.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

Male individuals age 65 to 75 and has never smoked and those with relatives who have suffered from similar conditions are recommended to have abdominal aneurysm screening tests. Part of the screening process will include an ultrasound, a CT scan, or an MRI to see if there is indeed an aortic aneurism developing inside your circulatory system.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.

If you are positively diagnosed with aneurism, your doctor may recommend a blood vessel repair by means of grafting or stent operation. Those who have minimal size of aneurysms may be given beta-blockers to prevent these bulges from rupturing. You may also be reminded to exercise more, stop your smoking habits, and eat a heart-healthy diet that is free from cholesterol to prevent unwanted heart disease.  Again, we want to warn that only a heart doctor should be trusted with a diagnosis.  Dr. Seldon is a Board Certified Heart Doctor at NYU.



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