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Cardiac Clinic New York Reviews

Cardiac Clinic New York Reviews

Cardiac clinic reviews are especially helpful when comparing rehabilitation programs. These programs are part of learning to live with heart disease. They are especially crucial after you’ve had a heart attack.

Cardiac Rehab 101

Cardiac rehab is an exercise and education program designed to help you recover after a heart attack, address other forms of heart disease and surgical recovery, and as a way to treat or manage the disease after diagnosis.

There are four phases of rehabilitation:Cardiac Clinic New York Reviews

  • Phase 1-monitored exercise
  •  Phase 2-nutritional counseling
  •  Phase 3-emotional support
  • Phase 4-lifestyle training through support and education

Change doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it happen without effort.

Being part of a program helps you better understand your condition and keeps you accountable as you put new principles into practice. Cardiac clinic reviews can help you narrow down the best program to meet your needs. You want to look for programs that help you regain your strength, stop your condition from worsening, and prevent future heart problems. Prevention is key; especially after a heart attack.

The Six-Month Window

Many patients fail to realize the importance of the cardiac rehabilitation program. If you have had a heart attack, you are at 4 to 6 times the risk to have another one within six months. Studies have found that the biggest factor in reoccurrence is not following through with the rehabilitation regiment.

Nearly 40% of patients fail to adhere to or complete cardiac rehab. That is the biggest unnecessary risk to your heart health that you can take. It all comes down to choice. The cardiac clinic reviews can help with one part of that choice, but you have to make the other.

Please safeguard your heart health not only for yourself, but for your family and loved ones as well.  Another heart attack or worsening heart condition doesn’t have to be a reality. Do your research, sign up for a program, and follow through. Live a heart-healthy life today.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.



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