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What is the best heart centre

Many cardiovascular problems fall under the umbrella term of “heart disease.” While the terminology makes them easier to categorize, it can leave patients swimming in diagnostic information that isn’t applicable to their individual case. If you’ve made-or are in the process of making-an appointment at a local heart centre, and need additional information on heart failure (HF); this is an article you should read before seeing a specialist.

What is Heart Failure?

What is the best heart centreHeart failure is a condition that develops when your heart has been overworked for a prolonged period of time. There are several causes like long-term strenuous exercise and cardiomyopathy, but HBP and high cholesterol are the most common catalysts.

Hypertension increases the flow of blood through your heart. High cholesterol makes the blood thicker and more difficult to circulate normally. This will enlarge your heart muscle and weaken its walls. If undetected or left untreated; this leads to HF.

What are the Symptoms of HF?

When your heart can’t pump properly the lack of sufficient blood supply and build-up of blood in your heart can cause several symptoms.

Visit a heart centre immediately if you have any signs of HF:

·        Shortness of breath

·        Swelling in your extremities

·        Bloating sensation

·        Heart palpitations or bradycardia

·        Difficulty breathing when lying down

Is there anything that can reduce the severity of HF symptoms?

A full treatment protocol should be developed with the assistance of your cardiac care team, but there are daily habits that can help manage your condition.

1.    Weigh yourself every day before breakfast (your cardiologist will let you know what your heart healthy goal is).

2.    Maximum fluid intake is 8 glasses daily.

3.    Stick to a low-sodium diet.

4.    Don’t drink or smoke and get some exercise daily.

5.    Take all prescribed medications as directed.

Although the steps listed above will help manage HF, you should visit a heart centre regularly to monitor your condition and treatment.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


Answers from a Cardiologist About Warning Signs For Your Heart

Cardiac Attack – Don’t be casual with your heart.

Heart diseases quite often do not come to the fore with any outward and noticeable symptoms and go unattended for years while getting deteriorated. You might not get them as cardiac alarms. It is not wise of you to brush them off as digestive disorders or anxiety. A heart attack is induced when the blood flow to the heart is disrupted or blocked and the heart muscle is damaged.

There are many probable conditions and symptoms that come under the umbrella of cardiac diseases. However there are few general alarming indications which lead you to heart attack and other cardiac problems that require a prompt action by you.

Answers from a Cardiologist About Warning Signs For Your HeartCommon heart attack symptoms.

  • Chest discomfort and pain.
  • Irregular heart palpitations
  • Abdominal pain in the upper region of your body
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Excessive sweating with cold body
  • Extreme dizziness
  • Emotional disturbances and anxiety
  • Breathing problems and shortness of breath

Despite of various treatments available for the patients,these conditions may trigger grave results. If not given due consideration these might be the last symptoms that your body shows you. There is an increased chance of suffering heart attacks among people who are exposed to several risk factors which are linked to the signs and bring forth the disease. You can reduce the risk factors by taking particular preventive measures such as diet management and weight loss.

The risk factors.

  • Regular Smoking and alcoholism
  • Old age- above 60 in men and above 45 in women
  • Lifestyle and diet disorders
  • History of high blood pressure
  • Family history of cardiac diseases.
  • Obesity

What you should do?
Frequent check ups and visits to the cardiologist are suggested even if you are not experiencing the pain. It is vital to realize the risk factors connected with these symptoms and get yourself checked by a cardiologist. Professional medical advice and required prescription can lessen the danger of any major coronary problem.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist inNew York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


The Best Cardiologist In NYC

Being diagnosed with a heart problem comes with a lot of initial frustration and confusion. Even trying to narrow down the right specialist can seem impossible. For instance, did you know putting the keywords “cardiologist NYC” into a search engine can bring up as many as four different types? Not to worry, this article will give you background information on each sub-specialty. The information is designed to help make your search easier.

The Best Cardiologist In NYCNon-Invasive Cardiologist

A non-invasive cardiologist focuses on exams and in-office patient care. They commonly perform the intake and first evaluation you will receive. They also complete diagnostic tests and administer treatment that is based on medication or lifestyle changes. If surgical treatment is necessary you’ll be referred to a different branch of cardiology.

Non-Interventional Cardiologist

This cardiologist performs the same exams and tests as their non-invasive counterpart, with one notable exception, they can perform minor operations. These operations are in-office or outpatient. Catheterization is a good example, but a non-interventional cardiologist is limited to specific procedures. If more severe complications are found such as a blockage or weakened heart, you will be referred to an Interventional Cardiologist.

Interventional Cardiologist NYC

To practice this type of cardiology a specialist must undergo 3 years of additional training in complex cardiac care and surgical intervention. Cardiac surgeons remove plaque, perform bypasses, replace valves, and complete full transplants. These doctors are hospital-based and have specified office hours dedicated to consultation and follow-up.

Electrophysiology Cardiologist

This cardiologist studies your heart’s electrical system. Symptoms of insufficient pumping or an irregular heartbeat would put you in their jurisdiction. They often handle invasive corrective procedures involving pacemakers and other devices that help maintain your heart’s normal rhythm. Their focus is providing preventative measures against cardiac arrest and heart failure.

As you can see, “cardiologist NYC” is a broad term for a very specialized field. If you need more help finding a specific doctor, ask your primary physician for a reputable referral.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


Choosing The Best Cardiovascular Specialists

Heart specialists study and understand the structure and functionality of the human heart. They have over a dozen years of education and ongoing research to help them diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease. In this article, we will examine where that diagnostic process starts; the form and function of your heart.

What does the heart do?

Choosing The Best Cardiovascular SpecialistsImagine an engine responsible for pumping fuel through 60,000 miles of cable. Now, imagine that the engine works continuously to keep the fuel lines fresh and healthy.

Your heart is your body’s engine and the fuel it pumps is your blood supply. This all happens to the rhythm of 100,000 beats per day; circulating oxygenated blood to your internal organs through a network of intricate vessels.   

What does the heart look like?

An adult heart is about the size of your clenched fist, but none of our hearts started out that way.

The fetal heart develops in several stages during a pregnancy. First, it is a small cluster that begins to emit electrical signals. It slowly develops multiple chambers until the final stage when a fourth chamber develops, and the structure of a human heart emerges.

A healthy heart pumps or “beats” 70 to 80 times a minute. With each heartbeat, a fresh supply of blood circulates through its chambers.

How does the heart work?

As your heart beats, it contracts forcing the blood to circulate. Some of it goes through the top of the heart to receive oxygen from your lungs, while the freshly oxygenated supply travels through your aorta to the rest of your body. More blood enters the heart through veins called the vena cava, and the process begins again.

Our heart is an essential blood delivery system that helps nourish, detoxify, and heal our bodies. These functions are delicate and vital. When something goes wrong we need people with skill and understanding to start the healing process; heart specialists are ready to do just that.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


How to Receive The Best Cardiac Care

Cardiac care has come a long way. Doctors can help patients facing heart disease through drug therapy, lifestyle adjustments, surgical procedures, bypasses, and even give them an artificial heart while they wait for a transplant. But with all of these advancements there’s one question that drives researchers to constantly look for better treatment models; who gets heart attacks and why?

The Human Heart; A Biological Pressure Washer

How to Receive The Best Cardiac CareA healthy heart beats 100,000 times a day. Those heartbeats circulate 6 quarts of blood through the veins and arteries in your body. Your blood pressure keeps the flow consistent and brisk, as it enters and exits the ten ounces of cardiac muscle housed in the center of your chest. This naturally continuous current helps clean your blood vessels.

Building Blocks of Medical Theory: Changing Our View of Heart Disease

In an unhealthy heart, with poor pressure, the arteries begin to strain and bend. Each bend creates a small off-shoot where excess cholesterol collects, oxidizes into the artery wall, and hardens into plaque.

Until recently, cardiac care was developed using the “clogged-pipes model” Just as minerals can build-up and clog pipe lines; cholesterol can accumulate in our heart and impede healthy blood flow. This model has been dismissed as outdated because genetic research has proven that heart disease isn’t that simple.

The Truth About Plaque & Genetics

The majority of heart attacks occur when plaque build-up ruptures the wall of an artery. This causes a blood clot to form and the heart stops pumping.

New scientific findings suggest that your chances for a heart attack may depend on what type of plaque your body produces.  A different type of plaque, that is softer and tackier, is fast-acting and equally dangerous.  Cardiologists are recommending screenings and further genetic testing for at-risk patients; starting with a look at their family histories.

Do not wait for a heart attack to happen.  Make these preventative measures part of your regular cardiac care.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000


Heart Doctors : Find The Best

Heart doctors or cardiologists specialize in the human heart and the entire pulmonary system. Stroke related complications are very common these days for many reasons including changed lifestyles, stress and genetic predispositions among other reasons.  The specialists work in conjunction with other medical practitioners to give top quality treatment and care to patients.

heart-checkups-nycThere are many signs that could be indication that you ought to see a heart doctor and they include:

  • Upper body pain: this may include the back neck, stomach, jawbones and arms. This can happen independently or at the same time with chest pain.
  • On and off or constant pain in the center portion of the chest and the area often feels painful, full and pressurized.  Sometimes it may feel like you are being squeezed in the heart.
  • You may feel like it is hard to catch your breath and there is sometimes difficult in breathing and this could result in nausea and pain in the stomach.
  • Unnecessary sweating is common and you are likely to feel light headed due to dizziness.

Sometimes these symptoms can be heard to tell since you could just feel like you are unwell unless they are checked to establish the causative factors.  Each individual has to be monitored during routine physical examination for appropriate heartbeat and blood pressure.

It is important that during these checkups, you have your cholesterol numbers monitored to establish the cardiac condition.  However, apart from the check up there are other things that a heart doctor should encourage and include:

  • Regular exercise
  • Eating healthy low fat foods
  • Yoga
  • Lowering stress through meditation and rest
  • Job rotations

All these factors are believed to lower risks associated with cardiac problems.  To ensure that all is well with your heart you can book an appointment to have all your concerns addressed.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


Heart Specialists

Genetics play a definite role in the development of heart disease, but how large that role is remains to be seen. Successfully mapping our genetics can lead to advancements in preventative care and treatment. This article will take a closer look at this area of cardiac research.

The Dirty Dozen: The Truth About The “Heart Attack Gene”

There is a misconception that heart attacks are caused by one or two specific genes. Actually, dozens of genes are responsible for cardiac maladies.

This theory is supported by a study involving 10,000 participants who have given their DNA results to the GeneBank Project. The project is dedicated to creating a genetic map for heart disease.

Heart Specialists

Heart SpecialistsVarious genes have been linked to:

·        Weakened arterial walls

·        Inflammation

·        Arterial cracking

·        Cholesterol processing

·        Numerous other cardiovascular triggers

These genetic factors can increase your risk for a heart attack by anywhere from 1 to 50 percent depending on all the risk factors involved.

Mapping Out A Goal

The goal of recording all of the mutations is to produce a thorough blood test. The test would be based on genetic susceptibility and other risk factors.

These variables include:

·        Weight

·        Blood pressure

·        Cholesterol

·        Diet

·        Other variables

Considering that 50 percent of men and 64 percent of women die of sudden non-symptomatic heart failure; proper risk assessment is crucial.

The Future of Cardiac Diagnostics

Standard tests like an angiography, CT, or cardiac scan can locate plaque deposits, but they can’t gauge whether there is critical danger. Heart specialists are working to improve their diagnostic methods. Until genetic tests become part of an all-inclusive treatment protocol, cardiologists suggest patients continue to use drug therapy, diet, and exercise to help prevent or manage heart disease.

Genetic research continues to thrive. One day it will help keep hearts healthier and add years to your life. Contact  local heart specialists to find out more about this cutting-edge research.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000


Cardiologist NYC

Finding the right cardiologist is something you should do as soon as you can. Heart disease is a silent killer, to use a cliche, and even that can be an understatement as heart disease shows very little symptoms before it can make its deadly strike. Fighting heart problems before they start is the key to setting your mind at ease as well as the heart itself, and a cardiologist with the right credentials and experience will be able to.

What You Should Look for in a Heart Doctor : Cardiologist NYC

cardiologist-nycYou not only want to make sure you have a cardiologist near you, but you also want one who specializes in the type of patient you are, as this can make a drastic difference in the kind of heart problems you may develop. Locating a heart doctor who knows exactly what you’re at risk for, with knowledge of patients’ health histories and up-to-date diagnostic techniques, will ensure that you’re at the lowest risk possible. You’ll need a doctor who can monitor your blood pressure and risk for stroke or heart attack, and who can administer the latest treatments such as Atrial Fibrillation.

Don’t Settle for Inexperience

It’s not enough to have a heart doctor who specializes in specific demographics; they need experience. If a heart doctor’s history in the medical field is sketchy or has no reputation, it’s best to keep searching. Stats are as important as knowing a cardiologist works in a professional environment. Trusting someone with your heart, or any of what maintains your well-being, is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. You need to know that you can trust someone who’s partly responsible for prevention of health problems, and if they’re shown to have a background that is solid and recommendable, then this can help make the decision easier.

Heart disease, as well as other disorders and health problems, can be prevented with a practicing physician who is both experienced and right for you individually.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor, Cardiologist NYC, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.


Arrhythmia Treatment : What You Can Expect

Cardiac arrhythmia, also known as dysrhythmia, is a medical condition resulting in an irregular or skipping heart beat. Arrhythmia symptoms range from mild to severe depending on the cause. With various factors leading to the condition’s onset, it is recommended that you see an arrhythmia specialist if you are symptomatic.

Arrhythmia Treatment ; the Prime Suspects

Arrhythmia Treatment : What You Can ExpectThe root causes for arrhythmia, like many other medical conditions related to your heart health, are by-products of heart disease. Strokes, heart attacks, and heart failure-among other health problems-inhibit the heart’s optimal functionality. The marked decrease in your heart’s ability to pump properly leads to a lack of oxygen, reduced blood supply, and-if left untreated-an irregular heartbeat.

Weight Loss Fads

Arrhythmia Treatment and drugs for weight loss have also contributed to a rise in patients with cardiac arrhythmia. These pills, when misused or taken long-term, disrupt the electrical signals between your heart and brain. If the pathway is blocked long enough it can lead to an abnormal rhythm. Side effects like this illustrate why it is important to review all of your current medications with an arrhythmia specialist

Caffeine Addiction and Other Factors

Studies have shown that a high amount of caffeine consumption can make your heart to beat too early. These premature beats, also called flip-flops, are a benign cardiac arrhythmia. The condition should be monitored by an arrhythmia specialist to ensure your long-term health.

Various other risk factors such as repeated trauma, alcoholism, malnutrition, blood clots, excessive exercising and changes in the heart muscle; can cause cardiac arrhythmia to develop. Preventative treatment and lifestyle changes often curb the unhealthy affects of these factors before any persistent conditions are present.

Whatever the cause, if you think you may be at risk for this condition, or you are experiencing heart palpitations, weakness, chest pains, or other symptoms; contact an arrhythmia specialist right away. After all, you only get one heart, it’s very important to keep it healthy and strong for life.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


Choosing the Best Heart Center

A heart murmur is an irregular “airy” sound present between beats. This valve condition might be present at birth or develop later in life. In most cases heart murmurs are harmless, but they can be a precursor to other complications from heart disease. This article will outline the dangers to watch for and when to contact your local heart center.

Knowing the Symptoms

As previously stated, a normal heart murmur is harmless and shows no signs or symptoms, however; a heart murmur caused by a cardiovascular problem presents differently.

A serious heart murmur can cause:

cardiologist-nycShortness of breath
• Chest pain
• Fast heartbeat
• Dizziness
• Abnormal fatigue
• fingertips and lips turning blue
• Neck veins enlarged
• Fainting
• Weight gain

The Causes of Adult Heart Murmurs

Adults often develop heart murmurs due to illness or heart damage.

Rheumatic fever – occurs when strep throat remains untreated. It damages heart valves and changes the organ’s blood flow

Endocarditis – a blood born bacterium that causes an infection in the heart’s lining and damaged heart valves.

Valve calcification – a hardening or thickening of heart valves that restricts blood flow.

Other causes include:

·        Hypertension

·        Iron deficiency

·        High fever

·        Prolonged periods of stress

·        Pregnancy

·        Hyperthyroidism

Treating these causes at a local heart center will eliminate the murmur. If you have already been diagnosed with a heart murmur and are beginning to show any of these symptoms, take the next step. Schedule an appointment with your local heart center so treatment can begin as soon as possible.

Having a heart murmur can be scary, but it is usually harmless or treatable. It is better to find out the next steps now before the problem becomes more serious. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stand in your way. If you think you might have a serious murmur; make an appointment today and secure your heart health.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.

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