Your Trusted Cardiologist In NYC

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3 Things to Consider Before Choosing an NYC Cardiology Clinic

A cardiologist is a heart doctor who gets the necessary training required to treat diseases of the human heart. However, the best training doesn’t obviously translate to top-notch quality cardiologists in NYC. A well trained and licensed cardiologist can either practice by attending to patients in hospitals when on duty or solve patient’s heart problems by working in a cardiology clinic or office. Therefore, you ought to be extremely careful when entrusting your heart to a cardiologist in a cardiology clinic in NYC. Here are three considerations that you ought to make in choosing an NYC cardiology clinic with a trustworthy cardiologist.

Your Insurance’s Recommendationheart-checkups-nyc

In normal cases, most insurance companies have a list of preferred network of providers for their clients to choose from. Some of these insurance companies don’t use the same rate in covering the out-of-network cardiology clinics as compared to the in-network cardiology clinics. Although, this consideration compromises the quality of a cardiologist, it’s advisable that you start your search by checking your insurance plan. In fact, you should ask your NYC cardiology clinic’s cardiologist to tell you whether he/she will accept your insurance plan.

Communication Skills

All cardiologists have massive information on terminologies that describe various heart problems like cardiac arrest and arrhythmias, among others. However, this doesn’t mean that the doctor should always stick to those particular terminologies when talking to a patient. In fact, an experienced cardiologist should be able to translate these complicated topics into simpler layperson language that patients from all walks of life can understand. Look for a cardiology clinic that has a cardiologist who is ever ready to offer clarifications and simple answers to his/her patients’ questions. Established cardiology clinics in NYC offer patients a respectful and comfortable environment that allows them to openly express their problems without fear of intimidation.

Certification and Licensing 

Cardiologists have to complete a board certification process after training in order to demonstrate their level of expertise in cardiology. The board-certification shows the cardiology clinic’s cardiologist has been certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine to practice as a cardiac expert. Other additional board certifications depend on a cardiologist’s specialty such as Nuclear Cardiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology, and Cardiovascular Diseases.

Top NYC Cardiology Clinic

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


What are the Benefits of Receiving an EKG?

Good health is an authentic sign of a life of prosperity, given that success can be measured on various scales.  Because you realize that your health is gold, you want to be on the lookout for any signs of any situation that might compromise it even a little, and you take it upon yourself to seek immediate and timely medical attention.

When you think about health, you realize that there are those conditions that should be on your list everyday you set about assessing your health status. At the top of this good list, you put your heart. If you’re going to stay healthy and see your grand children, you need to have a pumping heart, so you take all necessary precautions to keep heart diseases away.

What could signal the advent of a cardiovascular disease?nyc-heart-doctor

Cardiovascular diseases can be “stealthy,” so you have to get smart and be on your guard for some symptoms like these:

  • Angina: This comes as a recurrence of chest pains for which you are unable to identify the source.
  • You might start experiencing neck, throat, jaw, back and abdominal pains.
  • Your breath may get short and you’ll feel as though you’re chocking at times.
  • You frequently feel your legs or arms numbing, cold, painful and weak.
  • You start sweating excessively, nauseating and vomiting without cause.

When these symptoms set in, don’t panic. Instead, do something about it.

The Benefits of an EKG

The last thing you need in your life is a heart disease progressing to the sad point where it gets difficult to treat or manage, especially when technologies like EKG exist to prevent that. EKG stands for Electrocardiogram, and it’s a kind of medical test that can be used to check for any problems with your heart’s electrical function. This system plots the heart’s electrical activity in traces of lines from which the doctor can look at the waves traced and compare them with accepted normal results.

An early EKG serves to bring out the problems early enough to be properly and efficiently dealt with to the benefit of your health. Additionally, if there’s a history of heart problems in your family, you need to make an appointment with a cardiologist and experience the benefits of an EKG for yourself.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


Find Top NYC Cardiologists that are Covered By Insurance

Cardiologists are needed by many people for different reasons. As most cardiac diseases are asymptomatic, most people will seek to find a cardiologist for checkups and prevention, while others will need a cardiologist for treatment of an active heart disease. When you are choosing a cardiologist, several factors come into play, as the heart is a delicate organ in the body and the doctor you choose may make the difference between life and death. Some of the heart diseases that will require you to visit a cardiologist are vascular varicosity, hypertension, hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and problems with cardiac electric function. The most important factors you should consider as you search for a top NYC cardiologist are:


It is important to have a cardiologist that has all the certification required by the state. You do not want to leave your life in the hands of an unqualified person. The most important is the certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine. “F.A.C.C.” after a cardiologist’s name means he or she has achieved excellence in the field of cardiology. A cardiologist with all the credentials will be at par with the various advancements in medicine connected with the treatment and prevention of heart disease.


You should find out where the cardiologist’s office is and which hospitals he or she has access to. This is because a person with a heart disease may need to take several trips to the cardiologist for treatment and checkups that may be urgent. Having your cardiologist near you can be a life saver.

Insurance Coverage

This is very important because not all cardiologists are covered by insurance. Check with your insurance company or the physician’s office to ensure they accept your insurance to avoid inconveniences when it comes to medical expenses. Moreover, an insured and licensed practitioner is advantageous when it comes to seeking for legal redress in case of any unexpected eventualities.


Once you have narrowed down on the list of potential cardiologists, book appointments and get one on one with them to find out if you can establish a relationship with one of them. Ensure that the cardiologist you choose can answer your questions accordingly and that they’ll involve you in the significant treatment decisions.

Dr. Seldon, a heart doctor and cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000


Find The Best Reviewed Cardiology Consultants in Manhattan

U.S. News and World Report recently ranked over 700 cardiology consultants across the country based on the number of patients in treatment and the complexity of the cases being treated. Their biggest qualifying criteria: that the center where these consultants are located have at least 1,300 patients under their care.

If this doesn’t seem like the most inclusive method to choose a specialist, that’s because it isn’t. True, it may work for a select group of patients who have rare heart conditions, but the average heart patient probably won’t find this ranking system all that helpful. They need to understand more about “comprehensive care.”

Comprehensive Care for Your Heartnyc-best-heart-doctor

There is a lot more to cardiology consultants than meets the eye, or at least there should be. Everything from insurance coverage to shared decision making has an impact on how you choose your heart specialist, but making sure that they are the right specialist for you involves looking past the surface information and carefully considering the services available to you.

Contrary to how it may be marketed; comprehensive care doesn’t always refer to all of your cardiac needs being “under one roof.” Rather, it means that the specialists are committed to seeing you through from diagnosis to treatment and long-term condition management. This distinction is very important for patients.

Caring for the heart from a clinical standpoint really involves:

  • Medical services
  • Research
  • Administration
  • Rehabilitation programs
  • Prescription management
  • Diagnostics
  • After hours care
  • Ongoing patient services

This may not sound quite as marketing-friendly as the “under one roof” approach, but it provides a clearer picture of the type of care patients should be looking for.

Care – It isn’t a Rarity

Thousands of patients face the reality of heart disease on a daily basis. Unfortunately, this reality isn’t a rarity. They need to know where to turn even if all they need is condition management.

By looking at comprehensive care through the lens of the services offered to everyday patients and backing up their findings with research and reviews, every heart patient will be able to find the cardiology consultants that fit the bill for their conditional needs.

Matching the right team of doctors with the right patient is a pivotal part of reducing heart disease cases.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


The Proper Way to Treat a Heart Murmur

What Is A Heart Murmur?

A heart murmur indicates abnormal blood flow through the heart. A heart murmur may be caused by a defective heart valve – one that may not close completely or one that does not completely open. Defective valves can lead to regurgitation of the blood – blood leaks back into the valve after it has passed through and the valve should be closed.

Who Is at Risk?nyc-heart-doctor

You may be at risk for developing a heart murmur if any of the following apply:

• Hereditary congenital heart disease
• Rheumatic fever
• Heart valve inflammation
• Aortic aneurysm
• Heart attack
• Atherosclerotic heart disease
• Marfan Syndrome
• Systematic Lupus Erythematosus
• Overactive thyroid gland

Symptoms of a Heart Murmur

Symptoms of a heart murmur can include:

• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain
• Palpitations or irregular heartbeat
• Fainting
• Fatigue

Can You Prevent a Heart Murmur?

Most hereditary heart murmurs cannot be prevented. If a heart murmur is caused by underlying conditions, a heart murmur can possibly be prevented. Treating high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, and anemia could help you prevent a heart murmur. Take all antibiotics that are prescribed to you in order to avoid an infection in your heart valve.

Diagnosing a Heart Murmur

If you experience any of the previous symptoms and have any of the risk factors listed, it is important to see a cardiologist who knows how to treat a heart murmur. Your cardiologist will review your symptoms and risk factors to determine what tests may need to be done. Your cardiologist may order one of the following tests:

• Chest X-ray – used to detect an enlarged heart that may be caused by heart or valve disease
• Electrocardiogram – used to measure electrical activity in the heart
• Echocardiography – used to outline the heart’s structure by using sound waves

Treating a Heart Murmur

It is important to consult a cardiologist to determine how to treat a heart murmur. Your cardiologist may use medications, valve repair, or valve replacement to treat your heart murmur. If you have any of the symptoms listed, be sure to contact a cardiologist immediately. Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at 888-474-9351.


Locate Reliable Stress Tests in the New York City Area

Exercise electrocardiography, subsequently abbreviated (ECG), is a common test carried out to diagnose Coronary Heart Disease. It is commonly referred to as a stress test because it focuses of blood circulation around the heart when an individual is at rest and when engaged in a rigorous physical activity that subjects the heart to stress. The pictures of the heart during these two scenarios are put to study to reveal the coronary condition of the heart. The patient is normally required to ride a bicycle or run on a treadmill with a physiologist and/or heart doctors on standby to monitor the patient. The challenge lies in finding a good center for reliable stress tests in NYC.

An assessment of Stress Tests in NYCCardiologist-NYU

Studies on New York City reveal that most stress tests are run on asymptomatic adults. This is a population on whom the Exercise ECG test is less specific and less sensitive. In addition, only a handful of the test centers employed a trained or professional exercise physiologist, someone trained to run the test on asymptomatic adults. Further still, about half of the centers terminate the test process when the patients reach about 75-95 percent heart rate of the predicted maximal. This is despite the fact that there is a maximal set by the American Health Association. Furthermore, the study revealed that most centers did not include in their report the sub maximal responses and did not have an emergency response plan just in the event of unforeseen eventualities.

This tells you that locating a center for reliable stress tests in NYC is not a walk in the park. Finding that effective and safe service provider that will not only provide a comprehensive and conclusive test, but also give you proper advice, means doing your research well. However, it may also mean simply getting in touch with Dr. Mark Seldon, a certified Cardiovascular Consultant. It will be comforting knowing that you are in professional hands with over thirty five years of experience in Cardiology and membership on various boards. Only a professional like Dr. Seldon will be able to identify even the most benign of signs and recommend the proper remedial procedures. Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Contact him at (212) 367-8000.


NYC Cardiologist and Cardiovascular Clinics

Exercise is an essential component to cardiac rehab. The problem is that a lot of patients don’t know what kind of physical activity is safe after a heart attack.

The best advice we can give is to talk to a cardiologist. NYC heart clinics have entire cardiac care teams devoted to your heart health, with the right guidance, you can lead a life that is both active and heart smart.  nyc-heart-check-up

The Basic Guidelines

Ease into it. Listen to your cardiologist. NYC patients need to know the basics before advancing. Here’s a review, presented by WebMD:

  • Medication changes. New medications can greatly affect your response to exercise; your doctor can tell you if his normal exercise routine is still safe.
  • Heavy lifting. Make sure that lifting or pushing heavy objects and chores such as raking, shoveling, mowing, or scrubbing aren’t off limits. Chores around the house can be tiring for some people; make sure you only do what you’re able to do without getting tired.
  • Safe exercises. Get the doctor’s approval before you lift weights, use a weight machine, jog, or swim.

General workout tips for heart disease patients:

  • Be sure any exercise is balanced with rest.
  • Avoid encouraging isometric exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups. Isometric exercises involve straining muscles against other muscles or an immovable object.
  • Don’t exercise outdoors when it is too cold, hot, or humid. High humidity may cause you to tire quickly; extreme temperatures can interfere with circulation, make breathing difficult, and cause chest pain. Better choices are indoor activities such as mall walking.
  • Make sure you stay hydrated. It is important to drink water even before you feel thirsty, especially on hot days.
  • Extremely hot and cold showers or sauna baths should be avoided after exercise. These extreme temperatures increase the workload on your heart.
  • Steer clear of exercise in hilly areas. If  you must walk in steep areas, slow down when going uphill to avoid working too hard. Always monitor your heart rate closely.
  • If your exercise program has been interrupted for a few days (for example, due to illness, vacation, or bad weather), ease back into your routine. You should start with a reduced level of activity and gradually increase it until you’re back where you started.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


NYC Cardiologist and Cardiovascular Clinics

Exercise is an essential component to cardiac rehab. The problem is that a lot of patients don’t know what kind of physical activity is safe after a heart attack.

The best advice we can give is to talk to a cardiologist. NYC heart clinics have entire cardiac care teams devoted to your heart health, with the right guidance, you can lead a life that is both active and heart smart.  nyc-heart-doctor

The Basic Guidelines

Ease into it. Listen to your cardiologist. NYC patients need to know the basics before advancing. Here’s a review, presented by WebMD:

  • Medication changes. New medications can greatly affect your response to exercise; your doctor can tell you if his normal exercise routine is still safe.
  • Heavy lifting. Make sure that lifting or pushing heavy objects and chores such as raking, shoveling, mowing, or scrubbing aren’t off limits. Chores around the house can be tiring for some people; make sure you only do what you’re able to do without getting tired.
  • Safe exercises. Get the doctor’s approval before you lift weights, use a weight machine, jog, or swim.

General workout tips for heart disease patients:

  • Be sure any exercise is balanced with rest.
  • Avoid encouraging isometric exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups. Isometric exercises involve straining muscles against other muscles or an immovable object.
  • Don’t exercise outdoors when it is too cold, hot, or humid. High humidity may cause you to tire quickly; extreme temperatures can interfere with circulation, make breathing difficult, and cause chest pain. Better choices are indoor activities such as mall walking.
  • Make sure you stay hydrated. It is important to drink water even before you feel thirsty, especially on hot days.
  • Extremely hot and cold showers or sauna baths should be avoided after exercise. These extreme temperatures increase the workload on your heart.
  • Steer clear of exercise in hilly areas. If  you must walk in steep areas, slow down when going uphill to avoid working too hard. Always monitor your heart rate closely.
  • If your exercise program has been interrupted for a few days (for example, due to illness, vacation, or bad weather), ease back into your routine. You should start with a reduced level of activity and gradually increase it until you’re back where you started.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


NYC Cardiologist and Cardiovascular Clinics

Exercise is an essential component to cardiac rehab. The problem is that a lot of patients don’t know what kind of physical activity is safe after a heart attack.

The best advice we can give is to talk to a cardiologist. NYC heart clinics have entire cardiac care teams devoted to your heart health, with the right guidance, you can lead a life that is both active and heart smart.  best-heart-doctor-nyc

The Basic Guidelines

Ease into it. Listen to your cardiologist. NYC patients need to know the basics before advancing. Here’s a review, presented by WebMD:

  • Medication changes. New medications can greatly affect your response to exercise; your doctor can tell you if his normal exercise routine is still safe.
  • Heavy lifting. Make sure that lifting or pushing heavy objects and chores such as raking, shoveling, mowing, or scrubbing aren’t off limits. Chores around the house can be tiring for some people; make sure you only do what you’re able to do without getting tired.
  • Safe exercises. Get the doctor’s approval before you lift weights, use a weight machine, jog, or swim.

General workout tips for heart disease patients:

  • Be sure any exercise is balanced with rest.
  • Avoid encouraging isometric exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups. Isometric exercises involve straining muscles against other muscles or an immovable object.
  • Don’t exercise outdoors when it is too cold, hot, or humid. High humidity may cause you to tire quickly; extreme temperatures can interfere with circulation, make breathing difficult, and cause chest pain. Better choices are indoor activities such as mall walking.
  • Make sure you stay hydrated. It is important to drink water even before you feel thirsty, especially on hot days.
  • Extremely hot and cold showers or sauna baths should be avoided after exercise. These extreme temperatures increase the workload on your heart.
  • Steer clear of exercise in hilly areas. If  you must walk in steep areas, slow down when going uphill to avoid working too hard. Always monitor your heart rate closely.
  • If your exercise program has been interrupted for a few days (for example, due to illness, vacation, or bad weather), ease back into your routine. You should start with a reduced level of activity and gradually increase it until you’re back where you started.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


NYC Cardiologist and Cardiovascular Clinics

Exercise is an essential component to cardiac rehab. The problem is that a lot of patients don’t know what kind of physical activity is safe after a heart attack.  Cardiologist-NYU

The best advice we can give is to talk to a cardiologist. NYC heart clinics have entire cardiac care teams devoted to your heart health, with the right guidance, you can lead a life that is both active and heart smart.

The Basic Guidelines

Ease into it. Listen to your cardiologist. NYC patients need to know the basics before advancing. Here’s a review, presented by WebMD:

  • Medication changes. New medications can greatly affect your response to exercise; your doctor can tell you if his normal exercise routine is still safe.
  • Heavy lifting. Make sure that lifting or pushing heavy objects and chores such as raking, shoveling, mowing, or scrubbing aren’t off limits. Chores around the house can be tiring for some people; make sure you only do what you’re able to do without getting tired.
  • Safe exercises. Get the doctor’s approval before you lift weights, use a weight machine, jog, or swim.

General workout tips for heart disease patients:

  • Be sure any exercise is balanced with rest.
  • Avoid encouraging isometric exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups. Isometric exercises involve straining muscles against other muscles or an immovable object.
  • Don’t exercise outdoors when it is too cold, hot, or humid. High humidity may cause you to tire quickly; extreme temperatures can interfere with circulation, make breathing difficult, and cause chest pain. Better choices are indoor activities such as mall walking.
  • Make sure you stay hydrated. It is important to drink water even before you feel thirsty, especially on hot days.
  • Extremely hot and cold showers or sauna baths should be avoided after exercise. These extreme temperatures increase the workload on your heart.
  • Steer clear of exercise in hilly areas. If  you must walk in steep areas, slow down when going uphill to avoid working too hard. Always monitor your heart rate closely.
  • If your exercise program has been interrupted for a few days (for example, due to illness, vacation, or bad weather), ease back into your routine. You should start with a reduced level of activity and gradually increase it until you’re back where you started.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.

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